SAI is pleased to announce the launch of the all new Sierragold InQuery. We invite you to experience the early release version of this incredible product. Your comments and feedback will help form the final version that will be available to the general public soon.

Sierragold InQuery is a completely new call record query application. It’s a cloud-based, SaaS application that can be accessed anytime from anywhere. Our new product is based on all new technology. Sierragold InQuery is designed with ease-of-use in mind and lightning fast results. Now searches and reports can be based on any or all of the fields available in your call records. Your queries can now be PBX specific or span any and all the switches in your environment..

Sierragold InQuery is the first of many products that you can access from our all new CDR Performance Suite™. This suite is comprised of InQuery, InPut & InSight and all of your Sierragold applications are accessed via a single login account. The suite gives you your own customizable dashboard to quickly visualize the information most important to you.

We are very excited to help you gain an extra edge by using these new products! New technology was employed in its development for you to discover with ease. Are you ready to be among the first to use the early version before upgrading? Please call SAI at 916.939.8500 for a demo of all the new features.

Questions? CONTACT US!

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